Some interesting thinking
Sorry folks for some reason my linking feature doesn’t work. Unconferencing where the audience members are the speakers It seems to me that there is a growing dissatisfaction with the standard...
View ArticleRecent annotated readings
Partial readings up to November 12 Amblard, H., Bernoux, P., Herreros, & G., Livian, Y-F. (1996) Une sociologie de la traduction. Chap.3, (pp. 127-177). Les nouvelles approches sociologiques des...
View ArticleFlat education?
I just listened to a talk by Thomas L. Friedman who wrote ‘The world is flat: A brief history of the 21st century’ given at MIT in Mai of this year. Friedman is a very entertaining speaker, master...
View ArticleSlow blogging
I’ve been busy with too many other activities, family matter and just plain living. What falls to the wayside is usually keeping up to date with reading news feeds to take the daily pulse of what is...
View Article4 months of blogging…
Though I’ve been posting information online since 2003, I did not begin to seriously blog until September of 2005. What I mean by seriously is putting my thoughts out there, in public, for all to view,...
View ArticleVirtual echos of actual events
The continuitiy between online culture and offline realities is well illustrated by this latest and very active news event: Prophet Mahommed cartoon reaction in Denmark. The web site reports that...
View ArticleTracing Identity
My interest in identity is long standing. My foray into the world of psychotherapy and fine arts was in fact a way to delve into identities. What makes someone who he is, is a fascinating puzzle that...
View ArticlePodcasting legal guide
Creative commons has published a new legal guide for podcasters. You can view the contents online or download a 42 page pdf file from their site.
View Articlespam activity–kills interactivity
FED UP Yes I am. I tried all the tricks and spam blasting widgets (or at least I think I did) offered by James and his crew (?). But no can do anymore. I’ve had it with the bushels of unsollicited...
View ArticleBlogjects…hmm!!!
Lately I’ve been testing new (to me) feed readers … (BlogBridge, Awasu, and the newest version of FeedReader(3)); an activity that sent me back to my neglected collection of feeds. I miss having the...
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